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    2. Yamamoto H, Fukunaga M, Takahashi S, Mano H, Tanaka C, Umeda M, and Ejima Y : Inconsistency and Uncertainty of the Human Visual Area Loci following Surface-based Registration.Probability and Entropy Maps. Human Brain Mapping, 2011.
    3. 青木伊知男,河合裕子:マンガン造影磁気共鳴画像法(MEMRI)の実際.磁気共鳴学会雑誌, 31(1):1-19, 2011
    4. Kawai Y, Aoki I, Umeda M, Higuchi T, Kershaw J, Higuchi M, Silva AC, Tanaka C : In vivo visualization of reactive gliosis using manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. NeuroImage, 15;49(4):3122-31, 2010.
    5. 尾藤良孝,平田宏司,恵飛須俊彦,河合裕子,大竹陽介,平田智嗣,白猪亨,五月女悦久,越智久晃,梅田雅宏,樋口敏宏,田中忠蔵:Diffusion-Weighted Line-Scan Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imagingによる代謝物拡散計測の精度向上.磁気共鳴学会雑誌,Vol.30,No.1,2010.
    6. Inoue Y, Aoki I, Mori Y, Kawai Y, Ebisu T, Osaka Y, Houri T, Mineura K, Higuchi T, Tanaka C : Detection of necrotic neural response in super-acute cerebral ischemia using activity-induced manganese-enhanced (AIM) MRI. NMR Biomed., 23(3):304-12, 2010.
    7. Maeda K, Yamamoto H, Fukunaga M, Umeda M, Tanaka C, Ejima Y : Neural correlates of color-selective metacontrast in human early retinotopic areas. J Neurophysiol, 104(4):2291-2301, 2010.
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    9. Yamamoto, H Ban, M Fukunaga, C Tanaka, M Umeda, Y Ejima: Large- and small-scale functional organization of visual field representation in the human visual cortex. in Visual Cortex. New Research. Nova Science publisher. pp195-226, 2008
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    13. Shimizu Y, Umeda M, Mano H, Aoki I, Higuchi T, Tanaka C. Neuronal response to Shepard’s tones. An auditory fMRI study using multifractal analysis. Brain Research, 2007, 1186, 113-126.
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    22. Kondo K, Nakagoshi A, Yamamoto H, Umeda U, Tanaka C, Ejima Y, Searching for neural correlates of simultaneous color contrast: an fMRI study, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 2004, 174-175
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    24. Aoki I, Takahashi Y, Chuang KH, Silva AC, Igarashi T, Tanaka C, Childs RW, Koretsky AP., Cell Labeling for Magnetic Resonance Imaging with the T1 Agent Manganese Chloride., NMR Biomed., 19, 50-59, 2006
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